🧸❤️ You sure know Giving Tuesday, right ? It’s all about giving back!
This event takes place every year on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, just after Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.
The idea is to devote a day to giving, whether in the form of financial donations, time, or acts of kindness, and to encourage individuals, businesses and organizations to support charitable projects and causes.
Why not take part in Giving Tuesday to support our cause?
By contributing to Genolier Foundation projects, you are offering support, solidarity and a brighter future to people affected by serious, disabling or chronic diseases.
🫶 Participation is very simple
– Adopt ‘Max’, for yourself or as a Christmas present. This soft, comforting little teddy bear is sure to please! To order him, contact us!
Thank you for your generosity ❤️

20 centimeters of softness for CHF 25, delivered in a cotton rucksack.